Infant Care

Infant Care

The infant classroom environment is warm and engaging so that children and families feel welcome and comfortable. Our safe and healthy environment encourages children to move freely in which they can explore and experiment with materials. 

The environment contains a variety of toys and materials that are both stimulating and familiar. Our caregivers talk and listen to infants throughout the day. 

These conversations can be observed during diaper changes, hand washing, playtime, or any part of the day. Infants are read to daily and exposed to many nursery rhymes and lullabies to enhance their language skills. Infants explore play time on their tummies to develop their core muscles and overall physical development.

Materials such as books, soft balls, blocks, instruments, shape sorters, and sensory bottles help to stimulate your child’s learning. In every classroom, materials and toys reflect the children’s culture, interests, and skill levels.

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